The Ordering Process

STEP 1:  Decide how much beef you would like to purchase for your family based on the Beef Cuts Explained.  Additionally, make sure you have the proper freezer space.  

STEP 2:  Fill out and submit the online form to notify Mr. Tom that you want to purchase BJ Ranch Beef.  Mr. Tom will invoice you the required deposit which equals approximately 20% of the total cost.  This deposit holds your beef for YOU.   BJ Ranch pays the processing fee on all beef sold!

STEP 3:   Mr. Tom will send you an invoice for the remaining balance once the final carcass weight is known from the processor.  Make the final payment.  We accept CASH, Cashier's Check & Zelle

STEP 4:   Work with the processor directly to choose how your beef is cut and packaged.  It's that simple....Start tasting real beef;  BJ Ranch Beef. 

STEP 5:   Order HERE   or just email us at and Mr. Tom will be in touch.  Please include a phone number in your email.